02 July 2011

More and More

Half by ChristopherFecio
Half, a photo by ChristopherFecio on Flickr.

This is a shot from Memorial Day. The rollers on the holder were messed up so they didn't develop the whole frame. I like it anyway. The Colors.

The Colors.

Just shooting more film, as always.

I just recently won a Polaroid Land Camera from the Film Photography Podcast's (FPP) most recent episode. How exciting! I was looking at buying one at several antique stores and on eBay, but now I won't have to. How great!
So now I'm looking at film for that and will most likely be buying a bunch of it in the very near future to play with.

My work has been on view at SPoT Coffee on Elmwood, in Buffalo, since June 1, and I think it will be coming down soon. I didn't end up selling anything, but the good news is that I received a lot of positive feedback on it. And that's always a good thing.

The darkroom is 99.96% finished. It's going really slowly, but it will be done very, very soon because I bought the last things I need for it. It's time to start printing and making cyanotypes. And developing black and white 4x5 film - my true passion.

So why not stay tuned and see how that goes?

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