15 June 2009

Home at Last

Home a bit early, I know, but it was time.
A familiar bed was calling me.

I ended the trip a couple days early after a bit of frustration in Chicago led me to arrive home at 6:30 yesterday morning. What a drive that was..

I spent last week in Iowa, visiting family (my aunt, uncle, and two cousins). It was great to see them after five years. So much had changed, but at the same time, it felt like I just saw them a couple weeks ago. They were so nice, hospitable, and welcoming. It was a great way to end the trip. While in Clive (right outside Des Moines), I took a couple bike rides and did a lot of relaxing.
On one bike ride I came across quite a few interesting bridges, which led me to the Bridges of Madison County the next day. I only saw three of them, but I had an idea of how the rest would look since they were very similar. It was just a very calm time.But now I'm home and back to the daily happenings. I'm sure I'll have more images to show once I get all my film developed.

It's been long,
but it's been fun.
It's opened my eyes,
and I know I've changed.

1 comment:

  1. Glade your home safe and sound. I'm sure you'll have many memories to cherish and to share from this
