A long while. Perhaps too long.
Haven't been writing very much lately, but I've been busy.
Senior Thesis is upon us and that means fun. Literally.
I'm working with my 4x5 camera that I made a pinhole front for. It looks extremely odd because the camera is so large and the actual lens I have was proportionately large. However, now that the lens is gone and there's just a small sheet of aluminum flashing with a 0.35mm diameter pinhole on the front, it looks so odd. Basically just a box on a rail, sitting on top of a large, awkwardly old fashioned looking tripod.
I did a couple studio shots so far, and I very much like the style of the image. Since the hole is so small, and because film loses speed as time increases, I had to set this one at an eight minute exposure. The focus is very soft, probably because the distance between the pinhole and the sheet of film was just a small distance too short. I think it was set at like 95mm so I'm going to try and switch it to somewhere around 115mm to see if that fixes the problem.
However, I sort of like the soft look it's given so I might actually leave it. I'll just mess around and find out what I like best.
I'm also going to be printing the images in cyanotype after enlarging the negatives, so here's what that looked like:
There'll be more sooner or later. Definitely not another couple months. Sooner.
Drop it in and let it go,
with all the things I'll never know;
I've forgotten more than I'll ever learn,
So walk out with the rest.
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